Evangeline Abriel wrote an op-ed for the San Jose Mercury News which discusses the Executive Office for Immigration Review’s announcement of a “temporary halt” of its Legal Orientation Program, which provides many immigration detainees with the only legal help they will…
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David Yosifon was quoted in the Arizona Republic about a case where a former employee of a high-profile law firm has pled guilty to a felony count of forgery after she filed fraudulent lobbyist documents with the city of Phoenix. Read…
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Stephen Diamond‘s paper “Are the stock markets “rigged”? An empirical analysis of regulatory change” has been published in the International Review of Law and Economics. Professor Diamond also presented the paper at the AALS (Association of American Law Schools).
David Yosifon discusses how decades of corporate manipulation paved the way for the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal in an article on Salon.com.
Catherine Sandoval was quoted in a Communications Daily story about the controversy surrounding net neutrality.
Margaret Russell was quoted in a San Jose Inside story about the “culture war” over the effort to recall Judge Persky over his controversial sentencing in the Stanford sex-assault case.
Brian Love was quoted in Law360 discussing his paper on the Eastern District of Texas and patent disputes.
Anna Han spoke at length to KCBS about escalating trade tensions with China.
Deep Gulasekaram was quoted in a SF Chronicle story about a Supreme Court case involving jailing immigrants who have served their time, as well as Chronicle stories about ICE gaining access to a county jail; an ICE official’s LinkedIn post: about the Supreme Court’s use of the word “alien,” and…
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Deep Gulasekaram co-authored an op-ed, “The case for nongovernmental sanctuary for immigrants” in the Los Angeles Times. Read more.