Linda Starr spoke to ABC 7 News about Kim Kardashian’s plans to become a lawyer and fight for criminal justice reform.
Linda Starr spoke to ABC 7 News about Kim Kardashian’s plans to become a lawyer and fight for criminal justice reform.
Deep Gulasekaram was quoted in SFGate and the San Francisco Chronicle about Santa Clara County’s uncertainty on whether to make changes to the sanctuary policy after the murder of Bambi Larson. His comments were mentioned in Fort Bragg Advocate- News, Daily Democrat, and six other outlets…
Eric Goldman spoke to LAist about punishing Weedmaps for using third party ads would violate Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. He was also interviewed on KPCC and KNPR about the security risks of implementing data portability. His comments were also mentioned…
Steve Diamond was quoted in MenaFN, MarketScreener, and five other outlets about Elon Musk’s incorrect tweet about how many vehicles Tesla would produce in 2019.
Ellen Kreitzberg was interviewed on WHYY, WAMU, and nine other outlets about a Supreme Court decision that a death-row inmate doesn’t have the right to a painless death.
Catherine Sandoval will moderate a panel on the California Public Utilities Commission’s Forum on PG&E’s Governance, Management, and Safety Culture. The panel is on Aligning Corporate Governance with Ratepayer and Public Interests, and will be live-streamed here. View the forum…
Ruth Silver Taube was interviewed on CBS San Francisco and Fox 2 News about the necessity of protecting immigrant construction workers involved in a wage-theft lawsuit.
Margaret Russell was quoted in Pacific Standard about the Trump administration’s control of U.S. immigration courts.
Ellen Kreitzberg spoke to Business Insider about death-penalty decisions in California.
Dorothy Glancy was quoted in GreenBiz about the complications with liability when creating audio visual technology.