Linda Starr was interviewed on Fox 2 News and CBS San Francisco about how a group of Northern California Innocence Project clients, each of whom was exonerated after being wrongly imprisoned, received courtside seats at a Warriors playoff game.
Linda Starr was interviewed on Fox 2 News and CBS San Francisco about how a group of Northern California Innocence Project clients, each of whom was exonerated after being wrongly imprisoned, received courtside seats at a Warriors playoff game.
Professor Eric Goldman was featured in JD Supra’s article discussing the risk of ambiguous emojis in legal cases. The article heavily relies on Goldman’s recent paper, Emojis and the Law, published in the Washington Law Review, and summarizes some of…
David Sloss wrote a blog post for the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University titled “Prosecuting a President for Obstruction of Justice: A Primer”. Read the blog post.
Deep Gulasekaram spoke to Pacific Standard about the Supreme Court case examining Trump’s use of national emergency funds to build his southern border wall. Gulasekaram also was a guest on KPCC AirTalk, discussing the downfalls of the Trump Administration’s new immigration plan prioritizing…
Catherine Sandoval will be the moderator for a California Public Utilities Commission panel on the Communications Grid of the future on May 20, 2019. Professor Sandoval’s panel is titled “Affordability and Access”, and will focus on the communications needs of…
Missy O’Connell of the Northern California Innocence Project spoke to Fox 2 News and ABC 7 News about evidence proving that Ricky Davis was wrongly accused of murder using modern DNA testing.
Deep Gulasekaram was quoted in Buzzfeed News about the significance of the charges against a judge who allegedly blocked the ICE from arresting an undocumented immigrant.
As Tesla’s corporate-governance saga continued, Steve Diamond was quoted in stories that ran in hundreds of outlets. His comments about Tesla’s plans to reduce the number of board members ran in stories in Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, Daily Magazine, MarketWatch, MSN Money, MSN News, Associated Press, Business Insider, US News World…
On Thursday and Friday, May 2-3, over 250 students, faculty, staff, visiting academics and representatives of community-based organizations participated in the “Environmental Justice & the Common Good Conference” on community-university partnerships for research, learning and social change. Hosted at Santa…
In 2018 the Santa Clara Law Center for Social Justice and Public Service, along with Criminal Law Society at Santa Clara University, co-hosted the first “speed screening” criminal records expungement clinic at Santa Clara Law. More than twenty clients were…