Michelle Oberman was quoted in Mother Jones about infanticide and pleading insanity for the act. She further addressed postpartum psychosis and legal consequences of infantcide on KQED.
Michelle Oberman was quoted in Mother Jones about infanticide and pleading insanity for the act. She further addressed postpartum psychosis and legal consequences of infantcide on KQED.
Deep Gulasekaram wrote an article for SCOTUSblog about how the Supreme Court upheld a decision allowing state identity-theft prosecution of noncitizens.
Professor Francisco Rivera co-authored a newly published report, Safer Sooner, making the case for a new global treaty to address violence against women and girls. Read Safer Sooner in its entirety here. Professor Rivera and students participating in the law…
Eric Goldman participated in a point/counterpoint in the Wall Street Journal about Amazon’s liability for marketplace sales. He also was interviewed about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
Lydia de la Torre was quoted in San Francisco Public Press about the California Consumer Privacy Act and how companies have activities in place to protect their users opposed to selling their data for monetary gain.
Catherine Sandoval was quoted in Utility Dive about a need for deep analysis into what sectors could be vulnerable to utility shutoffs. She was also interviewed on KSRO about PG&E’s public safety power shut-off and bankruptcy plans, and how the CPUC should increase enforcement…
Don Polden was quoted in Business Insider about news that the Federal Trade Commission might attempt to “unwind” company mergers.
Michelle Oberman was interviewed on KQED about the ineffectiveness of the insanity defense for infanticide.
Michael Vargas wrote an op-ed for San José Spotlight urging an end to the “gay candidate” test, seen in the Pete Buttigieg campaign, which determines if a candidate is “too gay” or “not gay enough.”
Missy O’Connell and the Northern California Innocence Project were mentioned in U.S. News & World Report, The Mercury News, Sacramento Bee, and more than 200 other outlets for their lead role in freeing Ricky Davis, a man who spent 14 years in prison after being…