Description of Organization:
The Art Law Society was launched in 2021 with the mission to facilitate conversations among art law students, practitioners, and artists by hosting a variety of lectures, networking events, and panel presentations. Our hope is to provide a forum at SCU Law for the discussion of a depth of art law topics. In addition, SCU’s Art Law Society takes the discussions outside of the classroom by organizing tours of local museums, galleries, and auction houses to immerse students in California’s vibrant art scene from San Francisco to San Jose. Art Law Society has made a name for itself in the area, bringing together Art Law organizations from all six Bay Area Law Schools to some of our annual events.
2023-2024 Officers:

Mission Statement:
- Increase interest, awareness, and visibility of soft IP Law at Santa Clara. Specifically raise issues relating to licensing, privacy, patents, NFTs, copyright, fraud, and other similar legal issues relating to Fine Art.
- Expose students, and all others, to options relating to art in the law and legal professions.
- Build connections with soft IP Law networks in the Bay Area including those (primarily lawyers, alumni, and law students) in San Jose, Santa Clara County, San Mateo County, San Francisco County, and Oakland.
- Encourage and educate students to pursue an interest in art law, meaning law related to art or artists.
Important Dates and Events/Calendar
Event dates pending
Social Media:
Instagram: @scuartlaw
Twitter: tbd
Active Member Organization, Student Bar Association 2022-2023