Investor Protection Summit

"*" indicates required fields

Basic Attendee Information

Full Name*

Professional Information

(Company, Law Firm, University, etc.)
(for MCLE verification, if applicable)

Conference-Related Preferences

(none, vegetarian, vegan, kosher, halal, gluten-free, other)
(e.g., wheelchair access, sign language interpreter, etc.)

MCLE/Continuing Education Information

MCLE Credit Claim?
(For MCLE certification and credit tracking)
I plan to attend the entire summit, including all panels, lunch, and reception
I plan to attend a portion of the summit, including the following sessions:

Photo/Video Release

Photo/Video Release*
I understand that this event will be recorded and photographed. I understand and agree that any photographs taken of me on this date may be used by Santa Clara University for purposes of institutional promotion. Santa Clara University may use these photographs in various ways, including brochures, magazines and advertisements. They may also be used on the World Wide Web or be given to other media outlets that are doing stories about us. These photographs will also become part of Santa Clara University’s archives, and may be used in the future for historical purposes.