CGLP presents:

The Transoceanic Trade & Investment Agreements and the Rise of Regionalism

with Dr. Sergio Puig from Stanford Law

Tuesday, October 29

12 – 1 p.m. in BH 139


Dr. Sergio Puig is a Lecturer in Law and a Teaching Fellow in the Stanford Program in International Legal Studies (SPILS), as well as a Research Fellow at the Center on the Legal Profession and the Center for Legal Informatics.

Dr. Puig worked for over three years in the young professionals program for lawyers and scholars at the World Bank Group and ICSID, and has practiced in leading firms in Mexico City and Washington D.C. Dr. Puig also co-founded, with Joost Pauwelyn,, an on-line community-based platform to facilitate legal assistance and services related to international trade and investment matters.

At this talk, Dr. Puig will talk about the Transpacific Trade and Investment Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. These are two multilateral trade and investment agreements that are currently being negotiated. If and when they are concluded, they will have a major impact on the legal rules governing international trade and investment.

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