Scholarship FAQs

Q: How can I tell if I was offered a scholarship?
A: Students are automatically evaluated for scholarship awards at the time of admission to the School of Law. If you have been awarded a scholarship, it is included in your admission letter.

Q: How are scholarships determined?
A: Our scholarships are merit-based awards and calculated based on your highest LSAT/GRE score and your undergraduate GPA. While every application is considered holistically for admission, our merit scholarship calculations are standard for every applicant based on their scores. Because of this standard and in an effort to ensure the process is as fair as possible, we do not negotiate scholarship awards. We encourage you to research other opportunities for financial assistance, such as employer incentives, outside scholarships, grants, and fellowships. Please also visit our External Scholarships page for more information.

Q: What happens if I change from full-time enrollment to Flex JD (part-time) enrollment (or vice versa) prior to the start of classes?
A: Your scholarship is reflective of the program you were admitted to. If you would like to inquire about
changing into a different program, please contact Your scholarship will be reassessed if your program transfer is approved.

Q: When can my scholarship money be used?
A: Scholarships are renewable on a yearly basis and in relation to your program standing. Scholarship awards are split evenly between the fall and spring semesters and can never exceed the cost of tuition. With the exception of the Law Dean’s Fellowship, scholarships cannot be used for summer classes or study abroad.
For full time-students, your award is renewable for up to three years or until degree requirements are met
(whichever is sooner). For Flex students, your award is renewable for up to four years or until degree
requirements are met (whichever is sooner). Terms of renewal are dependent on the scholarship you were awarded (see below).
Scholarships will be reassessed if students do not stay within the unit requirements for each program:
Full- time status for fall and spring semesters: 12+ units
Part-time status for fall and spring semesters: 5-11 units

Q: I am interested in enrolling in the JD/MBA, JD/MSIS, or JD/LLM combined degree program.
How does that affect my scholarship?
A: Scholarships and fellowships offered by the School of Law can be applied only towards tuition for School of Law courses. School of Law scholarship funds cannot be applied towards tuition for the Leavey School of Business or any other coursework outside of the School of Law. In semesters in which the majority of your courses are taken outside of the School of Law, your scholarship may be adjusted to reflect your Law units.
Your aggregate scholarship amount cannot exceed the total amount you would have been awarded based on your originally anticipated graduation date. In other words, the total dollar amount of your scholarship aid will not increase if you choose to take additional courses beyond the typical three- or four-year program.

Q: What if I participate in another law school’s study abroad program or enroll as a visiting student at another law school?
A: School of Law scholarships can be applied only towards tuition at Santa Clara University School of Law.
Our scholarship funds cannot be used to pay for tuition at another law school. If you enroll at another law
school as a visiting student during a fall or spring semester, you will not receive (i.e., forfeit) the amount of
scholarship aid that would have been paid towards your tuition had you remained at Santa Clara University
School of Law that semester. Any funds that you forfeit cannot be recouped in future semesters.

Q: What if I graduate earlier or later than I had originally anticipated?
A: You should contact the Law Admissions & Financial Aid Office if your graduation date changes from what was originally anticipated. Scholarship assistance terminates once you have completed the number of units required to graduate from the School of Law. For full time-students, your award is renewable for up to three years or until degree requirements are met (whichever is sooner). For Flex students, your award is renewable for up to four years or until degree requirements are met (whichever is sooner). Terms of renewal are dependent on the scholarship you were awarded (see below).

Q: Can scholarships exceed tuition costs?
A: No. Scholarship awards can only be applied to tuition. Fees are assessed separately from tuition. If you take a lighter course load for a semester, your scholarship will be adjusted to pay no more than your required School of Law tuition. If you are awarded supplemental or outside agency scholarships, please note that any scholarship funds that exceed required costs are considered taxable. See IRS Publication 970 for more information.

Q: I was awarded an Emery Merit Scholarship. What are the renewal terms for that scholarship?
A: As your scholarship has been awarded to you based on your academic promise, it will be renewed so long as you maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better, as determined at the conclusion of the spring semester of your first year in law school, and subject to review thereafter at the conclusion of each subsequent academic term. Renewal terms are non-negotiable.
All students awarded the Emery Merit Scholarship are issued an additional scholarship letter outlining terms of renewal. Please see your scholarship letter at the end of your decision communication.

Q: I was awarded a larger scholarship from another law school. Will you match or exceed that scholarship
A: In order to make the scholarship process as fair as possible for all incoming students, we do not match
scholarship offers from other schools or negotiate scholarship terms. Our Financial Aid office is always happy to work with incoming students to devise solutions including federal aid.

Q: What happens if I perform well while at Santa Clara University School of Law? Will my scholarship be
A: Your scholarship will not be increased. Upper-division students are eligible to apply for a limited number of supplemental endowed scholarships which provide aid to students in their second, third, and fourth years of law school.

Q: I was awarded an Emery Merit Scholarship. When is my class standing reviewed to determine if my
scholarship will be renewed?
A: Standing is determined at the end of the spring semester of your first year and is subject to review thereafter at the conclusion of each subsequent semester.

Q: I was awarded an Emery Merit Scholarship. What happens if my cumulative GPA is just under the 3.0 GPA required for renewal (e.g., 2.98). Will you round up? What happens to my scholarship? If I lose it can I get it back?
A: We do not round up the cumulative GPA. If, at the end of spring semester of your first year or any semester of study thereafter, your cumulative GPA falls below 3.0, your scholarship will be terminated and cannot be reinstated. This is true even if your cumulative GPA exceeds 3.0 in a subsequent semester. Grades earned during a summer session are not considered in calculating your GPA from the prior academic year.

Q: I was awarded a Law Faculty, Public Interest, or Dean’s Fellowship. What are the renewal terms for those scholarships?
A: You must remain in academic good standing as determined at the conclusion of the spring semester of each academic year. You must be enrolled in the minimum number of units required for your program of study. For more information about academic policies at the school of law, please consult the Law School Bulletin.

Q: What happens if I am academically disqualified but subsequently readmitted?
A: If you are academically disqualified at any time, your scholarship will be terminated and will not be

Q: What happens if I defer my enrollment?
A: Your scholarship offer will terminate and we cannot guarantee that your scholarship offer will be reinstated.
You will be re-evaluated for scholarship consideration prior to your new start term.

Q: What happens if I take a leave of absence?
A: Your scholarship offer will terminate and we cannot guarantee that your scholarship offer will be reinstated if you defer or take a leave of absence.

Q: Can I use my scholarship to cover fees?

A: No, all fees are mandatory. Scholarships can be used toward tuition.


Santa Clara University School of Law awards scholarships under several scholarship programs. These merit-based awards are available to those who demonstrate outstanding potential for the study of law.

James A. Emery, S.J. Merit Law Scholarship
Awarded to entering students who have achieved outstanding academic merit credentials.

  • Awards: Vary
  • Maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and meet satisfactory academic progress
  • Not indexed to tuition increases
  • Coordinated with federal, state and other aid
  • No application required as recipients are selected at time of admission

Law Faculty Scholarship
Awarded to entering students who have achieved outstanding academic merit credentials.

  • Awards: Vary
  • Must meet satisfactory academic progress
  • Not indexed to tuition increases
  • Coordinated with federal, state and other aid
  • No application required as recipients are selected at time of admission

Public Interest Scholarship
Awarded to entering students who demonstrated commitment to public interest law and professional promise.

  • Awards: $10,000
  • Must meet satisfactory academic progress
  • Not indexed to tuition increases
  • Coordinated with federal, state and other aid
  • Separate application is required and selected at time of admission. Deadline TBD.

Dean’s Fellow
Awarded to academically outstanding entering students to the law school.

  • Awards: Varies up to full tuition
  • Must meet satisfactory academic progress
  • No application required as recipients are selected at time of admission

Upper-Division Law Student Scholarships

The law school has established several endowed scholarships that are awarded to upper-division students in recognition of their academic excellence, diversity and public service. Please note that any scholarships awarded are coordinated with existing financial aid.

B.T. Collins Scholarship
B.T. Collins came to Santa Clara University as a student after losing an arm and leg as a U.S. Army captain in the Vietnam War. He went on to serve as the Director of the California Conservation Corp, Director of the California Youth Authority, a California State Assembly member and the Chief of Staff for Governor Jerry Brown.

To commemorate the life of B.T. Collins, friends, classmates and colleagues established a scholarship in his honor which is awarded to upper-division JD students who are dedicated to pursuing public service careers, and demonstrate outstanding leadership potential.

  • Awards: Vary
  • 3L and 4L students in good academic standing
  • Coordinated with federal, state and other aid
  • Separate application is required

More information about the life of B.T. Collins, and the scholarship here.
2024-2025 Deadline: Sunday, September 8, 11:59 p.m. APPLY HERE

Eleven Easy Pieces Scholarship
Eleven Easy Pieces was the name of the 1970s and 1980s Women’s Law School Flag Football Team. To commemorate the team, former members and coaches established a scholarship awarded on merit, need and contribution to the law school’s spirit and student body.

  • Awards: Vary
  • 2L, 3L, 4L students in good academic standing
  • Coordinated with federal, state and other aid
  • Separate application is required

2024-2025 Deadline: Sunday, September 8, 11:59 p.m. APPLY HERE

Law Alumni Association Scholarship
Awarded to upper-division students who demonstrate a commitment to the law school, participate in community activities and are involved in law school activities.

  • Awards: Vary
  • 2L, 3L, 4L students in good academic standing
  • Coordinated with federal, state and other aid
  • Separate application is required

2024-2025 Deadline: Sunday, September 8, 11:59 p.m. APPLY HERE

Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Scholarship

Recognizing a record of community service.
Awarded to upper-division students who have demonstrated commitment to equality, inclusion, and social justice; have a record of community service with a commitment to eliminating racial, social, and economic disadvantage in under-served communities; and intend to pursue a legal career that advances equality and social justice.

  • Awards: Vary
  • 2L, 3L, 4L students in good academic standing
  • Have a record of community service with a demonstrated commitment to eliminating racial, gender, sexual orientation, economic and/or other social discrimination
  • Coordinated with federal, state, and other aid
  • Separate application required

2024-2025 Deadline TBD

Women and Law Scholarship

Awarded to promote the efforts and successes of women in the legal field. The Women and Law organization seeks to enhance the law experience by supporting members through networking opportunities, community service projects and meaningful educational enrichment.

  • Award: Vary
  • 2L and 3L Women and Law members in good academic standing who demonstrate the ideals of the Women and Law Association
  • Coordinated with federal, state and other aid
  • Separate application is required

2024-2025 Deadline: Sunday, September 8, 11:59 p.m. APPLY HERE

Other Funding Opportunities

Public Interest Social Justice Law Board Summer Grants

Santa Clara law students who have completed at least one year of full-time or part-time study are eligible for public interest summer grants. To qualify for a grant, students must arrange a full-time summer position doing legal work with a non-profit organization having a public service or social justice mission. Some government attorney positions also qualify. Additional information about the Public Interest Social Justice Law Board Summer Grants can be found here.

External Scholarships

Another potential funding source to explore are external scholarships. These scholarships can be offered by outside agencies such as professional organizations you or a family member are a part of, your church or community organizations, service groups (like Rotary, Kiwanis, P.E.O., etc.), volunteer organizations, or national, state and local foundations. A little time networking and searching for opportunities can pay off in the end. To get started, check out the links below for some external scholarship resources including those provided by Law School Admissions Council, the American Bar Association, and AccessLex Max Scholarship Incentives. Our External Scholarships page will get you started!

As you review scholarship and fellows, you may want to learn about costs, how to apply, types of financial aid, repayment, contact information and other terms and conditions related to financial aid.

Contact Us:

FAFSA School Code: 001326