Michael Kaufman


Learning civil procedure. with Brooke D. Coleman, Jeffrey W. Stempel, Steven Baicker-McKee, David F. Herr. Fourth Edition. West Academic Publishing (2022) | Link to Library Catalog

Rule 10b-5 Private Securities-Fraud Litigation (with J. Wunderlich). West (2021) (Annual Supplements since 2014)

Badges and Incidents: A Transdiciplinary History of the Right to Education in America . Cambridge University Press (2019)

Blue Sky Law. with J. Long and J. Wunderlich.. Thomson Reuters (2020) (3 volume set. Annual Supplements since 2016)

Illinois Civil Trial Procedure. Second Edition . West (2020) (Annual Supplements since 2009)

Securities Litigation: Damages, Vol. 26. West (2020) (Annual Supplements since 1989)

Depositions: Law, Strategy and Technique (with Lisnek). West (2020) (Annual Supplements since 1995)

Securities Litigation: Law, Policy and Practice (With M. Steinberg, W. Couture, and D. Morrissey). Carolina Academic Press (2016) (with Annual Updates)

Education Law, Policy and Practice: Cases and Materials (with S. Kaufman). Fourth Edition. Aspen (2018)

The Pre-K Home Companion: Learning the Importance of Early Childhood Education and Choosing the Best Program for your Family (With S. Kaufman and E. Nelson). Rowman and Littlefield (2016)

Learning Together: The Law Policy, Pedagogy, Economics, and Neuroscience of Early Childhood Education (with S. Kaufman and E. Nelson). Rowman and Littlefield (2015)


Social Justice and the American Law School Today: Since We are Made for Love, 40 Seattle L. Rev. 1187 (2017) | Link to Full Text

Paving the Delaware Way: Legislative and Equitable Limits on Fee Shifting By Laws after ATP, 93 Wash. Univ. L. Rev. 335 (2015) (with J. Wunderlich) | Link to Full Text

The Bromberg Balance: Proper Portfolio-Monitoring Agreements in Securities Class Actions, 68 S.M.U. L. Rev. 771 (2015) (with J. Wunderlich) | Link to Full Text

Leave Time for Trouble: The Limitations Periods Under the Securities Laws, 40 J. Corp. Law 143 143 (2014) (with J. Wunderlich) | Link to Full Text

Messy Mental Markers: Inferring Scienter from Core Operations in Securities Fraud Litigation, 73 Ohio St. L.J. 507 (2012) (with J. Wunderlich) | Link to Full Text

From Texas Gulf Sulphur to Laudato Si’: Mining Equitable Principles from Insider Trading Law, 71 S.M.U. L. Rev. 811 (2018) | Link to Full Text

Fraud Created the Market, 63 Ala. L. Rev. 275 (2011-2012) | Link to Full Text

Summary Pre-Judgment: The Supreme Court's Profound, Pervasive, and Problematic Presumption about Human Behavior, 43 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 593 (2011-2012) | Link to Full Text

The Judicial Access Barriers to Remedies for Securities Fraud, 75 Law & Contemp. Probs. 55 (2012) | Link to Full Text

Toward a Just Measure of Repose: The Statute of Limitations for Securities Fraud, 52 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1547 (2010-2011) | Link to Full Text

Regressing: The Troubling Dispositive Role of Event Studies in Securities Fraud Litigation, with Wunderlich, J., 15 Stan. J.L. Bus. & Fin. 183 (2010) | Link to Full Text

The Unjustified Judicial Creation of Class Certification Merits Trials in Securities Fraud Actions, with Wunderlich, J. , 43 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 323 (2009) | Link to Full Text

(Still) Constitutional School De-Segregation Strategies: Teaching Racial Literacy to Secondary School Students and Preferencing Racially-Literate Applicants to Higher Education, 13 Mich. J. Race & L. 147 (2007) | Link to Full Text

Reading, Writing, and Race: The Constitutionality of Educational Strategies Designed to Teach Racial Literacy, 47 U. of Richmond L. R. 707 (2007) | Link to Full Text

PICS in Focus: A Majority of the Supreme Court Reaffirms the Constitutionality of Race-Conscious School Integration Strategies, 35 Hastings Const. L.Q 1 (2007) | Link to Full Text

Nationalizing Ethical Standards for Securities Lawyers, 46 Washburn L. J. 109 (2006) | Link to Full Text

Rhetorical Questions Concerning Justice and Equality in Educational Opportunities, 36 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 495 (2005) | Link to Full Text

The Value of Friendship in Law and Literature, 60 Fordham L. Rev. 645 (1991-1992) | Link to Full Text

No Foul, No Harm: The Real Measure of Damages under Rule 10b-5, 39 Cath. U. L. Rev. 29 (1989-1990) | Link to Full Text

Federal and State Handicapped Discrimination Laws: Toward an Accommodating Legal Framework, 18 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 1119 (1987) | Link to Full Text