About the Externship Program
Gain legal experience in Silicon Valley
The Externship Program (ExPro) allows students to earn credit for their paid or unpaid legal position under an approved supervisor and approved sponsor outside of the Law School. Students can earn graduation units while learning and enhancing their legal skills by combining classroom work with practical experience in the field.
Learning from experience is needed for lifelong professional development, and for understanding the critical skills needed by legal employers. The Externship Program at Santa Clara Law puts you in the heart of Silicon Valley. Gain experience with legal industry experts and put law school into action.
Information for Students
Panetta Fellowship
Externship with the Panetta Institute for Public Policy
Information for Sponsors:
Hosting an Extern Student
Are remote externships allowed? (Last updated 2/2023)
Santa Clara Law now permits remote, hybrid, and in-person externships because the ABA
amended its rules accordingly.
How do I host an extern student?
Our students benefit from a range of opportunities and experiences. Information on hosting students, organization and supervisor requirements, and posting available positions is available on the Information for Sponsors page.
How do I register?
The steps for registration are found here.
When can I take an externship?
Students must complete the Critical Lawyering Skills class and secure an externship sponsor before registering. Please see Student Requirements for more information.
How many externships can I take?
A student may register for 3 externships, and a maximum of 12 units, that will count toward graduation units. Please see the Pink Book or contact Student Services for more information on units and graduation requirements.
Can I repeat an externship with the same sponsor or supervisor?
With permission, a student may take a second externship with the same sponsor and/or supervisor. The steps for approval are found here. You will need to submit a Petition for a Repeat Externship. Under no circumstance are students allowed to take a third externship with the same sponsor and/or supervisor.
Does the ExPro place students?
No, however, ExPro is happy to help students search for externship opportunities. ExPro also posts all open externship opportunities on SCU Law Jobs. See Find an Externship.
I am an international student; do I qualify for an Externship?
Yes, you qualify for an Externship but must complete a CPT Work Authorization Form before you can participate in one CPT Course or an Externship. Make sure you also visit SCU ISS for a list of complete and up-to-date requirements.
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