James Curtis Williams and Raymond Jackson were released last Monday after being wrongfully convicted in a 30-year-old rape and shooting. Williams and Jackson had been convicted of aggravated sexual assault in 1983 but were exonerated through DNA testing.

Judge Susan Hawk declared both men formally innocent and apologized to them saying, “I hope you feel like justice was served for you today.” Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins also apologized to the men.

Both men were picked out of a photo lineup by the victim but DNA found in the rape kit excluded both men. Jackson said he did not blame the victim. “She just made a mistake in identity, and I’m just thankful that they had DNA and kept ours,” Jackson said to the Houston Chronicle.

Two other men have been identified from the DNA and charged with attempted murder.

To learn more about the issues with eyewitness identification and recommendations for reforms in California join us this Wednesday at our Breakfast Briefing. Register here.

For more, read the story in the Houston Chronicle here.
