Daniel Larsen’s weapons conviction was overturned by a federal judge two years ago and yet he still remains in prison. This month Larsen’s supporters delivered over 100,000 petition signatures to California Attorney General Kamala Harris asking her to release Larsen.

Larsen was convicted of possessing a concealed weapon in 1999 and sentenced to 27 years to life under California’s Three Strikes Law. He was convicted based on the testimony of two police officers who claimed they saw Larsen throw a knife underneath a parked car. However, the California Innocence Project (CIP) found nine other witnesses who say it was another man who threw the knife. CIP convinced a federal judge who reversed Larsen’s conviction in 2009.

Larsen remains incarcerated while the Attorney General’s Office appeals the ruling claiming that Larsen did not present proof of his innocence in a timely matter and should therefore be barred from bringing his claim.

Read more here.
