This week, our International Human Rights Clinic signed-on to a letter to OAS Ambassador Lomellin and Alternative Representative Owen, providing input on the criteria that the U.S. should use to nominate a new human rights expert to serve as a commissioner on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR or Commission). The letter encourages the U.S. to solicit input from the civil society and provide greater transparency during the selection process.

The letter also suggests that the U.S. demonstrate its support for the IACHR by developing a stronger record of compliance with IACHR findings and recommendations and sustaining efforts to raise awareness of the valuable role the Commission plays in protecting human rights in the United States and throughout the region.

The letter suggests that the U.S. take the following criteria into consideration in nominating a new human rights expert to serve as a Commissioner on the IACHR:

  1. Knowledge of Latin America and the Caribbean;
  2. Familiarity with the Inter-American system;
  3. Language ability, specifically in the Spanish language;
  4. Management skills;
  5. Time commitment;
  6. Diversity;
  7. Independent, knowledgeable and well-respected human rights advocate;
  8. International legal background;
  9. Ability to navigate political sensitivities; and
  10. Respect for a victim-centered approach to human rights concerns.

The joint letter can be downloaded here.

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