On March 11 and 12, IHRC students Scott Idiart (3L) and Jaqueline Ramirez (2L) traveled to Washington D.C. with clinical fellow, Britton Schwartz, to interview clients and attend the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights thematic hearings on human rights violations in Peru. During the course of the semester, IHRC students have been investigating the situation of human rights defenders in Peru and the threats these defenders face because of their work. The clinic is working on preparing an amicus curiae brief in support of the right to freedom of expression within the context of the criminalization of social protest in Peru.

Jaqueline Ramirez mentioned that this opportunity really allowed [her] to see the actual work that human rights attorneys do. Scott Idiart had this to say about his experience: We witnessed the unique role of an international human rights body playing the mediator between the State and the individual to ensure that international norms are upheld. In short, we saw where our Clinic work fits in the human rights community and how we as students will someday fit as human rights lawyers. It was an incredible experience.



From left to right: Scott Idiart, Jaqueline Ramirez, Britton Schwartz


From left to right: David Velasco (FEDEPAZ), Britton Schwartz, Mar Perez (Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos), Ofelia Vargas (Grufides), Mirtha Vasquez (Grufides), Pablo Sanchez (Grufides), Rocio Silva Santisteban (Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos), Scott Idiart.


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