In November 2012, Santa Clara University’s International Human Rights Clinic sent a letter to Ambassador Carmen Lomellin, Permanent Representative of the U.S. before the Organization of American States, on behalf of 27 individuals and organizations, expressing our support for the autonomy and independence of the Inter-American Commission and suggesting a number of recommendations regarding the role the U.S. should play within the current reform processof the Inter-American Human Rights System.

 In February 2013, Ambassador Lomellin responded to our letter, addressing the following issues:

  1. U.S. support for an independent and autonomous Commission;
  2. the “robust” participation of the U.S. in Commission hearings and working meetings;
  3. the U.S. lack of ratification of the American Convention on Human Rights;
  4. that the U.S. is “subject” to the Commission’s “authority” by virtue of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man;
  5. that the U.S. has engaged with the Commission regarding “uncomfortable” petitions concerning domestic violence, migration, the death penalty, and Guantanamo, and has hosted an on-site visit for a report on detention and due process rights of immigrants in the U.S.;
  6. that the U.S. is a strong advocate for increased civil society participation in the IAHRS; and
  7. that similar sign-on letters should be addressed to other OAS member states.

Ambassador Lomellin’s full letter can be downloaded here.

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