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Social Justice Thursday

Social Justice

Social Justice Thursday: Criminal Law Thursday, Oct. 11, 2007 from noon to 1 p.m. in Bannan 135 The Social Justice Thursdays event series is a reading group for 1Ls. This week’s reading will be Margaret E. Montoya, Máscaras, Trenzas, y Greñas:

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Fall 2007 Social Justice Diversity Lecture

Social Justice

Fall 2007 Social Justice Diversity Lecture Thursday, October 4 from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Wiegand Arts & Sciences room Dean Christopher Edley, Jr. (Boalt Hall) "Circumventing Civil Rights Exhaustion Through Regulatory Social Justice: The Case of Achievement Disparities in K-12 Education"

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Social Justice Monday

Social Justice

Social Justice Lawyering in the Neighborhood – SCU grads talk about the pro bono project, Silicon Valley October 1, Noon to 1 p.m., Bannan 139Pizza Provided. Jennie Winter and Sharon Bashan, Pro Bono Project Silicon Valley Sharon Bashan coordinates the

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Social Justice Workshop

Social Justice

Social Justice Workshop: The Fate of the Expropriated: Lessons from Rwanda  Thursday, September 20, 2007 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in Bannan 137Reception at 5 p.m. in Strong Common Room   David Smith (Department of Sociology, University of Kansas: The Fate of the Expropriated: Lessons

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Benefit for Justice

Social Justice

Benefit for Justice: Annual Fundraiser for the Public Interest and Social Justice EndowmentFriday, Sept. 28, from 5 to 8 p.m. in the California Mission Room, Benson Center The Benefit for Justice is the primary fundraising event for the Public Interest

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Social Justice Thursday

Social Justice

 Social Justice Thursday: Introduction to Legal Education Thursday, Sept. 20, 2007 Noon to 1 p.m. in Bannan 135 Reading Group for 1Ls. Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, Foreword: Toward a Race-Conscious Pedagogy in Legal Education, 4 S. CAL. REV. L. & WOMEN’S STUD.

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Social Justice Monday

Social Justice

Social Justice Monday: Constitution Day – Supreme Court Preview Monday, Sept. 17, 2007 from Noon to 1 p.m. in Bannan 139. Pizza will be provided. Come learn about the latest pending cases for the United States Supreme Court. Featuring: Margaret

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Social Justice Legacy on Film

Social Justice

Margaret Russell Presents: Social Justice Legacy on Film Wednesday, Sept. 12, Noon to 1 p.m. in Bannan 139 Featuring the social justice documentary Of Civil Wrongs and Rights: The Fred Korematsu Story (2000).  This is an Emmy award-winning documentary about

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