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Alimony and the Income Tax

Same Sex Tax

Many states recognize formally created relatioships of same-sex couples and treat them the same as spouses under their divorce laws. Some states recognize marriage (e.g., Massachusetts, Iowa). Some recognize Registered Domestic Partnerships or RDPs (e.g., California, Washington, Nevada, Oregon). And

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Taxation of Alimony

Same Sex Tax

A friend from the east coast emailed me this morning. (Well, to be honest, it was probably afternoon on the east coast.) Her question was: are alimony payments made in same-sex divorces taxable as gifts? Apparently a local family law

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Same Sex Tax

INTRODUCTION TO TAX ISSUES FOR SAME SEX COUPLES The Internal Revenue Code provides numerous special provisions for spouses. At the current time none of these provisions applies to same-sex couples. Even legally married same-sex couples, residing in states where their

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