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My Birthday Present

Same Sex Tax

What would I like for my birthday? How about an apology from the IRS about how it has been treating same-sex couples in community property states this tax season? Voila! It came — just one day after my real birthday.

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Have you Heard from the IRS Lately?

Same Sex Tax

2010 is the first year that registered or married same-sex couples in California, Washington, and Nevada were expected to file single returns splitting all income, including income from wages and from self-employment. Most couples and tax return preparers that I

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John Thompson, former Death Row inmate now exonerated after 18 years behind bars in Louisiana, will receive the Freedom Award on June 2 at NCIP’s Justice For All Dinner.

Northern California Innocence Project

John Thompson, former Death Row inmate now exonerated after 18 years behind bars in Louisiana, will receive the Freedom Award on June 2 at NCIP’s Justice For All Dinner. Thompson has created Resurrection After Exoneration, a non-profit organization dedicated to

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