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Respect for Marriage Act

Same Sex Tax

The Respect for Marriage Act (RMA) would repeal DOMA and provide that any marriage that was entered into legally in the place of celebration would be recognized by the federal government as a valid marriage. The bill was introduced in

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The New York Tax Conundrum

Same Sex Tax

The state of New York has been recognizing same-sex marriages from other states or countries for years. Soon, New Yorkers will not have to leave the state in order to enter into a legal marriage. But the state’s new law

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Hooray New York

Same Sex Tax

Late today New York approved same-sex marriage. This is a tremendous step forward in the battle for same-sex marriage rights in this country. There are many tax ramifications that emanate from this decision. For a New York Times article on

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The Senate Eight

Same Sex Tax

We have at least 8 U.S. Senators on our side, urging the IRS to do something to help same-sex couples in recognition states file their tax returns correctly without the threat of penalties. Senators Murray, Cantwell, Feinstein, Boxer, Whitehouse, Leahy,

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