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Title IX at 40


Probably best known for its effect on women’s sports at the collegiate level, Title IX (P.L. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119) has a more far reaching goal: to eliminate sex discrimination in federally assisted education programs at all levels. In 2002,

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Death Penalty Worldwide


The Center for International Human Rights at Northwestern University has created a new, free, online resource about the death penalty in those countries in which it is still imposed.   The Death Penalty Worldwide is a database cataloging the offenses

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Immigration Policy Shift


Bypassing the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act of 2011; H.R.1842, S. 952), which has been stalled in Congress, Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano today announced a new policy for undocumented immigrants 30 years old or younger

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Former Santa Clara County Judge: I’ll Always Remember the Man I Wrongfully Sentenced to Prison

Northern California Innocence Project

In an article written for the San Jose Mercury News, retired judge LaDoris Cordell writes about her experience with wrongful conviction. Bobby Herrera was 17 years old when he appeared in Cordell’s courtroom charged with murder. Faced with a possible

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