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Proposed Legislation Would Help Reduce Wrongful Convictions Based on Flawed Forensics

Northern California Innocence Project

Congressional lawmakers have proposed legislation that would create federal grants to establish forensic science standards in an effort to reduce wrongful convictions. The Forensic Science and Standards Act is sponsored by Sen. Jay Rockefeller and Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson. The

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Florida’s Innocence Commission Says Lack of Funding a Major Cause of Wrongful Conviction

Northern California Innocence Project

Along with the known causes of wrongful conviction of mistaken eyewitness identification, jailhouse informants, and faulty scientific evidence, Florida’s Innocence Commission has added a new leading cause: lack of adequate funding. In its 171-page final report, the 23-member commission said

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Albany Times Union: Protecting the Innocent Should be as High a Priority as Punishing the Guilty

Northern California Innocence Project

In an editorial in the Albany Times Union, the editorial board calls for the New York legislature to finally pass bills aimed at protecting defendants from wrongful conviction. “For all the law-and-order bills that move through legislatures like New York’s

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