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Happy Constitution Day!


Stop by the Reference Desk and pick up a copy of the Constitution of the United States, courtesy of LexisNexis and Thomson Reuters. Also, don’t forget the presentation today at noon in Bannan 142. Professors Joondeph, Russell and Sloss will

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Election Law


The National Political Conventions have ended and the election season is in full swing. To learn more about the election process, consider any of several guides to Election Law:   Election Law Research Guide (Georgetown) Election Law (Law Library of

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This Week in Social Justice History

Social Justice

This Week In Social Justice History September 2 – September 9           Charles Hamilton Houston and Clarance Darrow           Archbishop Tutu September 3, 1895 Charles Hamilton Houston, was born in Washington D.C. African American lawyer, Dean of Howard University Law

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Los Angeles Police Department Resists Changes to Eyewitness Identification Procedures

Northern California Innocence Project

Studies show that eyewitness identifications can be notoriously unreliable unless conducted using known best practices such as blind administration and sequential presentation. However, the Los Angeles Police Department is still reluctant to enact reforms that have been sweeping the nation

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