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Westlaw India Trial


Until November 3rd, the law school community has access to the Westlaw India database. Access during the trial is NOT by IP address. So, if you are interested in researching law from India, please stop by the reference desk to

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During Fall Break, clinic students engage in fact-finding missions in Nicaragua and Peru

International Human Rights Clinic Blog

IHRC students Amanda Snyder, Amy Askin, and Jaqueline Judson, and Clinic Director Francisco J. Rivera Juaristi travelled to León, Nicaragua, to interview three clients (a doctor, a statistician, and a mechanic) who had been either labor union members or union

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Students from SCU’s IHRC submit reform recommendations to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

International Human Rights Clinic Blog

On October 4, 2012, International Human Rights Clinic students Gloria Lee, Katherine Krassilnikoff, and Sophia Areias submitted to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights three proposals with recommendations on strengthening the Inter-American Human Rights System. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights is currently reflecting on

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Justis, JustCite Trials


For the remainder of October, the law school community has online access to an electronic version of International Law Reports (ILR), courtesy of Justis, the British online publisher. Also included in our trial is access to JustCite, a citator for

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