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The Importance of Externships

Office of Career Management

This blog post is part of our ongoing guest Blog Series:  “Opportunity Knocks.”  For a full schedule, please see: When I pursued my externships, it was as much to serve a familiar adage — “There’s no substitute for experience” —

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Creating Opportunity

Office of Career Management

This blog post is part of our ongoing guest Blog Series:  “Opportunity Knocks.”  For a full schedule, please see: Raised by a single mother in Idaho, I had no exposure to international travel or other cultures. I attribute my initial

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Register Now for 12/12 Hearing on Digital Privacy by CA State Assembly, View Agenda, Streaming Available

High Tech Law Institute Blog

Please join SCU Law alumnus Assemblymember Bob Wieckowski and others for an enlightening inquiry into online privacy and consumer protection in our digital world. Balancing Privacy and Opportunity in the Internet Age An Informational Hearing of the Assembly Judiciary Committee,

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Study Abroad in Hong Kong

Office of Career Management

This blog post is part of our ongoing guest Blog Series:  “Opportunity Knocks.”  For a full schedule, please see: I spent my 1L summer on an SCU-organized study abroad and internship trip to Hong Kong. I had a great time

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