“The brick walls are there for a reason … they are not there to keep us  out.  The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show us how badly we want something.”  Randy Pausch – University Professor and Author

Welcome to the first installment of a new blog at the Law School.

The big word in the title “You and the Bar Exam” is YOU.  You may be a student, a professor or administrator, an alumna or alumnus, or someone interested in attending this wonderful law school.  As we go along this semester (and, hopefully, for many semesters to follow) there will be entries for all of you.

My association with the California Bar Exam goes back 37 years, even more if you include my actually taking the test.  During that time I’ve graded over 20,000 applicant answers.  I’ve written, edited, and pretested questions. I’ve been a member of the Committee of Bar Examiners and, for nearly ten years, I was the State Bar’s Examinations Director, responsible to put the Exam together and get it graded.  I’ve participated in national organizations devoted to the Bar Exam in particular and high-stakes examinations in general.  I’ve met, and become friends with, many good, intelligent people along the way.

I’ve taught at the Law School since 2012 and have tutored students since 2009.

For reasons still largely unknown to me – in my 60’s and after over 40 years as a practicing attorney – I have found profound meaning and identity in helping people pass this test – to break through the brick wall. So, I guess you could say that this blog will not only be about you and the Bar Exam; it will also be about me and the Bar Exam.

So stay tuned.  Here we go!