“Many hero tales focus on a quest—a difficult task or journey that must be undertaken to achieve a goal or earn a reward. Leaving the everyday world, the hero follows a path filled with challenges and adventures, perhaps involving magic or the supernatural.”  – Mythencyclopedia.com

“The magic show is a competition. The audience is trying to figure you out. They aren’t suspending their disbelief—they’re trying to expose you as a scam artist.” – Teller

The Bullet Catch is a classic magic trick. In it, a bullet, typically marked in advance by an audience member to establish its authenticity, is loaded and fired by a skilled marksman, generally through a pane of glass, at the star of the show. The magician then catches it, often in his or her mouth, collapsing to the stage with the effort, only to stand back up triumphantly to spit out the projectile with its markings in tact. Magic – right? Or at least an impenetrable deception.

Actually, neither. In Penn and Teller’s “Double Bullet Catch,” the magicians swiftly and surreptitiously substitute wax bullets in the two guns and conceal the marked ones in their mouths. The waxed bullets shatter the glass, going no further and, well, you know the rest. All the famous pair have done, when you get right down to it, is invent a simple set of procedures, and then practice them to perfection, relying on their experience in, and knowledge of, what will trick their audiences.

In a way, as you begin your preparation for the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) you are walking into a similar world of tricks and deceptions. In this world, each question has a correct answer right out in plain site – no trick there. However, all around the answer are scattered diversions, misdirections, and challenges, all carefully contrived by experts – often law professors with professional lifetimes observing students’ weaknesses and counter-productive tendencies.

The National Conference of Bar Examiners spends considerable time and treasure creating MBE questions, creating layer upon layer of question creation, editing, review, pretesting, and statistical tracking to make sure that questions go out on stage every bit as slick and apparently impenetrable as the Double Bullet Catch. Just as Penn and Teller rely on certain audience tendencies, the NCBE relies on the tendency of applicants to read questions incompletely or without sufficient focus; to make incorrect assumptions; to bring less-than-satisfactory understandings of the law into the exam; and – let’s be real – to be terrified.

Okay – take a breath. Open your mind to this possibility. If you can learn to spot these tricks, or even just the most common ones, and then practice, practice, practice, what may seem like insurmountable wizardry at the moment can, over time, turn into just another day at the office.

Over the next few entries “You and the Bar Exam” is going to explore several common MBE tricks and deceptions to help you recognize and prepare for them.

In the meantime, some advance homework may help you to some “aha” moments when we get underway . So please, GET STARTED – NOW! Ten MBE practice questions each day, accompanied by 12 minutes of answer checking, will take you a half-hour. Jump in without worrying about anything other than walking around inside the magic show. Notice things: about the questions, about your tendencies when you answer them, about your degree of focus and your level of anxiety.

Because the next time you click on this link, we’ll get started.

Here we go!