Deans and Administrators

Michael J. Kaufman, Dean of the School of Law, is the chief administrative officer and official representative of the law school. In addition to overseeing administration of all operations of the law school, he is responsible for relationships with the University administration, with alumni, and with the bench and bar. View the Dean’s web page.

Michael KaufmanMichael J. Kaufman
Charney Hall 311
(408) 554-4362


Noelia McKeeverNoelia McKeever
Office Manager
Charney Hall 311
(408) 554-4630

Lisa McMahon, Special Assistant to the Dean and Advancement Operations Manager

Lisa McMahon
Special Assistant to the Dean and Advancement Operations Manager
Charney Hall 311
(408) 554-4362


Laura Norris, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, is responsible for the oversight of the academic components of the curriculum. She also assists in the recruitment of faculty members; recruits, supports, and evaluates lecturers in law; assists in the preparation of course offerings and teaching schedules; and assists in the strategic planning process. View Laura Norris’s Faculty Page.

Laura NorrisLaura Norris
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Charney Hall 302
(415) 407-7900

Michael Flynn, Associate Dean for Global Engagement, oversees operations in the Center for Global Law and Policy. View Michael Flynn’s Faculty Page.

Michael W. FlynnMichael Flynn
Associate Dean for Global Engagement
Charney Hall 321

Eric Goldman, Associate Dean for Research, works to cultivate research and support individual faculty members in their scholarly pursuits. View Eric Goldman’s Faculty Page.

Eric Goldman
Associate Dean for Research
Charney Hall 324
(408) 554-4369

Caitlin Robinett Jachimowicz, Senior Assistant Dean for Law Enrollment, Strategy and Operations, oversees admissions, enrollment, finance, human relations, and operations.

Caitlin Robinett JachimowiczCaitlin Robinett Jachimowicz
Senior Assistant Dean for Law Enrollment, Strategy and Operations
Charney Hall 313C

Teresa Kopriva, Assistant Dean for External Relations, oversees External Relations, Strategic Communications, Social Media, Website, and Marketing.

Teresa Kopriva - Assistant Dean for External RelationsTeresa Kopriva
Assistant Dean for External Relations
Charney Hall 312-A
(408) 554-2706

Sandee Magliozzi, Associate Dean, Flex JD and Next Practices,  oversees the Flex JD program, managing strategic planning, policy development, accreditation, budgeting, assessment, and experiential learning. She also collaborates with faculty to design innovative “next practices,” advancing strategic curricular initiatives and forward-thinking programs aligned with emerging trends.

View Sandee Magliozzi’s Faculty Page.

Sandee Magliozzi
Associate Dean, Flex JD and Next Practices
Charney Hall 303
(408) 554-5015

Nicole Maxwell, Senior Assistant Dean for Law Student Services, oversees the Student Services Office, which houses the Student Engagement, Student Welfare, and Registrar. Responsible for student discipline, the enforcement of academic standards, rules, and procedures, as well as requirements for graduation.

Nicole Maxwell
Senior Assistant Dean for Law Student Services
Charney Hall 114
(408) 554-4766

Thiadora Pina, Senior Director for Inclusive Excellence, oversees the advancement of inclusive excellence. View Thiadora Pina’s Faculty Page.

Thiadora Pina
Senior Director for Inclusive Excellence
Charney Hall 331

Deborah Snyder, Assistant Dean for Career Management oversees career development, recruiting, employer relations, and graduate employment.

Deborah SnyderDeborah Snyder
Assistant Dean for Career Management
Charney Hall 115-A
(408) 551-1904