The Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) sponsors three annual public interest law and social justice retreats. Pplease read the information below for more information.

The three Retreats are:

February 23 – 25, 2007: 6th Annual Norman Amaker Public Interest Law and Social Justice Retreat at Indiana University’s Bradford Woods, Indiana (a short drive south of Indianapolis). The theme of the Amaker Retreat is "Holistic Justice" and the keynote speaker is Robin Steinberg, Executive Director of the Bronx Defenders. Panels are planned on numerous topics including "Empowering Clients to Impact Social Change," "Mental Illness," "Homelessness," "International Human Rights and Gender Issues." Detailed information about the Amaker Retreat including registration forms can be found at or contact

March 2 – 4, 2007: 20th Annual Robert M. Cover Public Interest/Social Justice Law Retreat at Boston University’s Sargent Camp in Peterborough, New Hampshire. The theme of the Cover Retreat is "Lawyering for Social Change" and will affirmatively explore the many approaches to progressive lawyering in the public interest. Visit for more information or contact

March 9 – 10, 2007: 9th Annual Trina Grillo Public Interest and Social Justice Law Retreat at Seattle University School of Law. The theme of the Grillo Retreat is "Justice Across Borders." Panels include "Farm Workers Rights," "Civil Liberties Post 9/11," "Intersections of Immigration and Criminal Law," "Human Trafficking," and "Immigrant Rights Groups and Impact Litigation." The keynote speaker will be Brandt Goldstein, author of "Storming the Courts," the compelling story of the law students and human rights advocates who filed suit against the first Bush and Clinton administrations to free HIV+ Haitian refugees detained at Guantanamo Bay during the 1990’s. You can find more information about the Grillo Retreat at or by calling (206)398-4173.