SCU Law Friends,

The third finalist for our deanship position is Gary Roberts (biography available here). Mr. Roberts is currently the Dean of the Indiana University McKinney School of Law in Indianapolis, a position he has occupied since 2007. Prior to coming to Indiana, Mr. Roberts was a member of the Tulane Law School faculty, where he served (in separate stints) as Deputy Dean and as Vice Dean for Academic Affairs.

You can access his CV and cover letter through a password-protected ClaraNet page here:
The password is "2013deansearch".

Mr. Roberts will visit Santa Clara this Thursday and Friday, March 21 and 22.

The SBA will host a forum with Mr. Roberts TODAY, March 21 at 4:30 PM in Bannan 135 to given students an opportunity to meet him, ask questions, and provide input in our Dean selection process. We will video tape the session.

All Dean Candidate Video Sessions can be Found Here:

The case-sensitive password to get into the folder is "DeanFinalists2013".

You will also receive a survey in your inbox which you can utilize to make comments about the candidate.

Though the announced finalists’ names will no longer be confidential in any strict sense, we urge you to use discretion in sharing this information more widely. Please do not post the fact that someone is a finalist anywhere on the Internet, or further distribute any of our e-mails about the candidates or the process. Some of our finalists are candidates in other searches, and the widespread leakage of this information—though some is assuredly inevitable—could prejudice our chances in attracting the strongest candidate.

Thanks guys! 🙂 Hope to see you at the forum!

