Santa Clara Law recently celebrated the exciting revival of the Law School Olympics, now reimagined as the Charney Olympics. This cherished outdoor event brought together students and faculty for a day filled with friendly competition and camaraderie. This year’s festivities attracted an energetic crowd, featuring nine enthusiastic student teams: Team Outwit Outlast Outlaw, Team Brave, Team Felons, Team High Noon, Team Pretty Little Liabilities, Team Marzipan, Team Tortfeasors, Team Torts Illustrated, and Team VicTORTious. Rounding out the lineup as the tenth team was the spirited faculty and staff team, Swifties for Justice.
As the games kicked off, the atmosphere buzzed with infectious energy, with teams competing in everything from relay races to musical chairs. The sun shone brightly over St. Ignatius Lawn, where laughter and cheers echoed, creating a backdrop of pure joy. Students and faculty alike embraced the spirit of competition, forging new friendships and strengthening their Bronco pride.
Sponsored by Cooley LLP and Law Student Services, the event was coordinated by law students Anthony Giammona J.D. ‘26, and Cari Hall J.D. ‘26, Co-Vice of Full-Time Students. Cari noted, “During the Student Body Elections last spring, I had a conversation with Dean Maxwell, and she casually mentioned a similar event that the law school used to host years ago. Anthony and I decided to bring it back in a bigger and better way.”
A distinguished panel of judges—including Nicole Maxwell (Senior Assistant Dean for Student Services), Laura Norris (Associate Dean for Academic Affairs), Thiadora “Dori” Pina (Senior Director for Inclusive Excellence), and Rianna Mendoza (Assistant Director of Student Life)—oversaw the competition. This event would not have been possible without the incredible support of the SBA referees: Presidents Simone Wolberg J.D. ‘25, and Ajit Bhullar J.D. ‘25; Co-Vice Presidents of External Relations Abby De Leon J.D. ‘26, and Alex Spencer J.D. ‘26; and Co-Director of Community Service Kat Ramjit J.D. ‘26.
The Charney Olympics showcased a diverse array of activities, ranging from classic games like flip cup and three-legged races, to unique challenges such as the balloon pop race, water balloon toss, blindfolded obstacle course, a spirited cheer competition, and an exciting team relay.
In the end, Team Outwit Outlast Outlaw emerged as the champions of the 2024 Charney Olympics, demonstrating exceptional teamwork and competitive Bronco spirit. Awards were presented for Best Jersey, Team Spirit, and MVPs, honoring the remarkable contributions of individual participants.
“The goal was to help students build community in a fun and lighthearted way,” shared Cari Hall. The Charney Olympics provided an enjoyable opportunity for participants to connect, support one another, and create lasting memories.
Check out photos from the Charney Olympics here.
Written by Daniel Zertuche, Student Writer for Santa Clara Law
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Jennifer Wooliscroft | Director of Strategic Communication and Outreach | | 408-551-1763