Prof. Michael Asimow posted his article, “Jewish Lawyers in American Popular Culture.”
Prof. Eric Goldman published the Sixth Edition of “Advertising & Marketing Law: Cases and Materials,” with Prof. Rebecca Tushnet from Harvard Law. They also posted an updated chapter on publicity rights and advertising law titled “Featuring People in Ads.”
Profs. Brian Love and Christian Helmers posted their article, “Welcome to Waco! The Impact of Judge Shopping on Litigation,” which discusses patent filings in Judge Albright’s court.
Prof. Fiona McKenna received a 2022 Association of Legal Writing Directors Distinguished Service Award.
Profs. Don Polden and Barry Posner published their book, “Leading in Law: Leadership Development for Law Students.”
Prof. David Sloss discussed his book, “Tyrants on Twitter: Protecting Democracies from Information Warfare,” in a podcast, “International Law Behind the Headlines.”
Prof. David Sloss edited a book, “Is the International Legal Order Unraveling?,” which is coming out later this year.