The semester is up and running and so is the High Tech Law Institute. Join us for one of our upcoming events. Get more info by choosing any of the titles below.

8/25/20, 12-1pm, 1 hour free CLE
Recent Developments in Trademark Law

8/27/20, 1pm – 2pm
Measuring Privacy Business (part of the Privacy & Technology Series)

9/1/20, 12pm – 1pm, 1 hour free CLE
Recent Developments in Copyright Law

9/2/20, 9am – 10:30am, 1.5 hours free CLE
Contact Tracing Tech – Who’s Tracking You

9/10/20, 12pm – 1pm
Automated Privacy Consent
(part of the Privacy & Technology Series)

9/15/20, 12pm – 1pm, 1 hour free CLE
Recent Developments in Patent Law