With dramatic actions occurring at the federal and state level regarding immigration and the legality of undocumented immigrants, or DREAMERs, brought to the U.S. as children, experts like Santa Clara immigration law professor Deep Gulasekaram are in high demand.
Gulasekaram was quoted in a Time story about what the bill SB54 does to protect California undocumented immigrants, and in an Associated Press story—reprinted by 560 other outlets across the US—about legal claims for those facing the loss of their Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) protections. The Los Angeles Times spoke to him about why Los Angeles is just now moving towards adopting the “sanctuary city” status, and KNTV interviewed him about the lack of clarity in Trump’s tweet giving Congress six months to legalize DACA. He spoke to KGO-SF, KOFY TV and KTVU on lawsuits by 15 states against the Trump administration over DACA, and he was quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle about the threat that Dreamers are under, about the choices that DREAMERs have to make, and about a man wanted for deportation who allegedly murdered his girlfriend.