If you are a student with an undergrad degree (or at least two years of coursework) in engineering, computer sciences or the hard sciences (chemistry, biology, physics, some related fields), and are interested in becoming a Patent Agent or Attorney, Practising Law Institute (PLI) invites you to a presentation by Mark Dighton, PLI’s Director of Law School Relations and a Director of their Patent Office Exam Course. Topics for discussion include:

•         The latest info on the Patent Office Exam,
•         Who can take it,
•         How it works, now that it’s on computer and “on demand,”
•         When you should take it (you don’t need to…and probably shouldn’t…wait until you graduate),
•         How the America Invents Act has impacted the Exam, and
•         Recommendations on when and how to study for this very difficult Exam.

SCU Law students receive a $1,000 discount.

Scholarships to PLI’s other IP programs will also be discussed.

Date:    Monday, March 28th
Time:    12 noon
Location: Room 127, Bannan Hall

Please visit PLI on the Web for a wealth of information on the resources they offer:
www.PatentOfficeExamCourse.com<, http://www.patentbarreview.com>, www.pli.edu<http://www.pli.edu>