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Exonerees Attend State of the Union Address – Time is Ripe for Change!

House of Rep


For the first time ever, tonight two exonerees, Michael Morton* and James Tillman*, will be attending the State of the Union address in Washington, D.C. They are guests of members of Congress who supported the Wrongful Conviction Tax Relief Act of 2015, which passed in December. The Act ends federal taxation of exoneree compensation and makes compensation more fair; it is a huge step in helping exonerees put their lives back together. This is a major victory but there is still much to do.

A variety of legislative initiatives are underway at both the state and federal levels focused on evaluating and improving forensic science techniques to get rid of “junk science,” adopting procedures to reduce the risk of false confessions, and expanding resources for exoneree reentry.

The time is ripe for change.  Issues of innocence are getting national attention in a way that they never have before. NCIP has new opportunities to make positive reforms, and we look forward to involving you in our efforts.  In our upcoming e-newsletter (launching this month) you will find ways to get actively involved.  Together we can make a difference.

Thank you for your support of NCIP and our work to promote a fair, effective and compassionate justice system and to protect the rights of the innocent.

*Michael Morton served 24 years in prison after being wrongfully convicted for the rape and murder of his wife, Christine.  James Tillman was wrongfully incarcerated for 18 years for a rape he did not commit.  Both men were exonerated through the efforts of the Innocence Project and the Connecticut Innocence Project, respectively, using DNA evidence.

**Please be sure to save the date for the Justice for All Awards Dinner on March 17, 2016, celebrating NCIP’s 15th Anniversary  at the Sofitel Hotel in Redwood City, CA.  Invitations are coming soon!

