
Please join the Hastings-to-Haiti Partnership for a CLE event entitled “Grande’Anse, Haiti: Environmental Potential and Unrest” on Wednesday, January 29th at 6:00 pm in the Alumni Resource Center, U.C. Hastings College of the Law.

Though culturally rooted in the landscape, Haiti faces nearly every type of environmental challenge imaginable – deforestation, erosion, overfishing, air and water pollution, inadequate sanitation, lack of safe drinking water, and the threats from climate change and sea level rise. The Grand’Anse Department, located in the far west, is no exception.

Jean Frenel Vincent, a graduate of UC Hastings’ partner law school in rural Jérémie, the capital of the Grand’Anse, will speak about the environmental challenges facing Haiti, the human implications, and innovative efforts to advance environmental justice. Mr. Vincent is in San Francisco as part of HHP’s reciprocal student exchange.

UC Hastings Professor Brian Gray will discuss Haiti’s gold rush: proposed exploitation, the environmental and human rights risks, and UC Hastings involvement in shaping the revision of Haiti’s mining law.

CLE credit available!

Wednesday, January 29, 6 – 7:30 pm
Alumni Resource Center
U.C. Hastings, College of the Law
200 McAllister St.
San Francisco, CA

The talk will be followed by a reception and light refreshments.

Thanks to HHP alum Connie Kim for making this event possible and to our co-sponsors: Hastings to Haiti Partnership, International Justice Resource Center, UC Haiti Initiative, Human Rights Advocates, Haiti Action Committee, and Haiti Emergency Relief Fund.