
In June, our clinic signed-on to a coalition letter with ACLU regarding the use of solitary confinement in prisons. In this letter, we asked the U.S. Department of State to invite Professor Juan Méndez, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, to conduct a fact-finding mission to examine the use of solitary confinement in detention facilities in the United States. 

Michael Kozak, acting assistant secretary, recently responded to our letter on behalf of the United States Department of State. In this letter, Mr. Kozak explains that the United States has met with Professor Méndez multiple times to discuss the issues outlined in our coalition letter. Subsequently, the U.S. asked Professor Méndez to submit a formal request for a country visit, outlining the scope and subject of his visit. The United States has received the formal request from Professor Méndez and is currently reviewing his letter and evaluating the request. 

We will provide another update as soon as more information becomes available. The response letter can be downloaded here


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