The Northern California Innocence Project is proud to present John Van de Kamp, Chair of the California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice and former Attorney General. He will be making a lunch presentation on the Commission’s origin and work so far on Wednesday, March 14 from noon – 1:00 pm in Bannan 127.

The CCFAJ was created by the California Senate to examine the causes of wrongful convictions, and to make recommendations to the Governor and Legislature to insure that the administration of criminal justice in California is just, fair and accurate. CCFAJ’s membership represent a diverse array of viewpoints from the criminal defense community, law enforcement and prosecutors, the judiciary, victims’ rights and the pubic at large. For more information on the Commisioners, visit

John Van de Kamp was elected California’s Attorney General in 1982 and served two terms. In 2006 the California Senate Rules Committee appointed him to serve as the Chair of CCFAJ. The Commission includes three members of the Santa Clara Law School community: Professor Jerry Uelmen, Executive Director; Professor Cookie Ridolfi, Commission Member and Chris Boscia, part-time 3L and Executive Assistant. The Commission’s final report is due at the end of 2007.