Michael J. Madison, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Pittsburgh Law School will be speaking on "Information Governance" at a faculty workshop on Friday, October 12th. The workshop is being held from noon – 1:00 pm in the Strong Common Room in Bergin Hall.

In his scholarly works, Michael Madison weaves together theoretical perspectives on intellectual property and high technology and years of experience representing high technology clients in the Silicon Valley. His teaching interests likewise span the range of his background in private practice, including contract and commercial law, property law, and civil procedure. He has published in numerous law reviews, including the William & Mary Law Review, the Boston College Law Review, the Fordham Law Review and the Case Western Reserve Law Review, among others.

Professor Madison earned his BA from Yale University and his JD from Stanford Law School. His areas of specialization include: Intellectual Property, Computers and the Law, Contracts and Commercial Law.

Before joining the Pitt law faculty in 1998, he taught at Harvard Law School as a Climenko Fellow, practiced in Palo Alto with Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich and in San Francisco with Shartsis, Friese & Ginsburg.