Professor Miriam Aziz will speak at a Faculty Workshop on Monday, October 29th from noon – 1:00 pm in the Strong Common Room in Bergin Hall. The topic of her presentation is "Health Rights and Obligations in the European Union."

Miriam Aziz completed her European Baccalaureate at the European School of Brussels (I) in 1988 and her LL.B. from Manchester, University in 1992.  She then became a member of the Inner Temple and was called to the Bar of England & Wales in 1994 after which she completed a PhD on the Regulation of Human Experimentation in the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States at the Faculty of Law of the University of Edinburgh (1993-1997).

She was a research assistant at the Medical Law Centre, at the Faculty of Law of the Free University of Berlin from May 1995 until January 1996.  She returned to Berlin in October 1997 after having completed her PhD and was based at the Department for Political and Social Sciences of the Free University of Berlin (at the Chair for Public Law and Politics at the Otto Suhr Institut) for three years where she conducted research on European Union and German Citizenship and Comparative Constitutional Law and Theory and also taught courses in both English and German on the Law of the European Union.

She acted as chief coordinator for Professor U.K. Preub for the Framework 5 project, ‘European Citizenship and the Social and Political Integration of the European Union’ (EURCIT) funded by the European Commission.  She also worked as a legal consultant for a number of law firms in Berlin during this time.  Her last engagement as a consultant was for Coudert Schurmann’s Berlin office in cases on European Community (EC) law and German law which have included some cases on EC citizenship and EC and German commercial law.

She was awarded a Jean Monnet Fellowship (2000-2001) from the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence on the basis of research on the concept of sovereignty in EC law and received a Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commission to continue her research at the RSCAS on the impact of EC law on the national legal orders and cultures of the member states until 2003.

She has published mainly in the areas of EC law, German law and medical law, concentrating primarily on constitutional issues in, among others, the Columbia Journal of European Law, European Public Law, the Medical Law Review, Medical Law International and Santé Publique.  Her current research focuses on the impact of the European Community Legal order on the respective national legal systems and cultures in EU member states with particular emphasis on the doctrine of sovereignty and fundamental rights, a research agenda which she addressed in The Impact of European Rights on National Legal Cultures (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2004).

She is currently an Associate Professor in Public and Administrative Law at the Law Department of the University of Siena, Italy.