Mr. Hannu Wager will be speaking at a faculty workshop on Thursday, November 8th from noon – 1:00 pm in the Strong Common Room in Bergin Hall. The topic of his presentation is "IP as part of the WTO Trading System: Background, Current Work and Dispute Settlement." He will also be speaking to an international law class on "Human Rights, Development and the World Trade Organization from 2:40 p.m. – 3:50 p.m. in Bannan Hall, room 142.  

Mr. Wager is presently Counsellor in the Intellectual Property Division of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and serves as secretary to the Council for TRIPS. Prior to that, he was a Government Secretary for the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, where his main responsibilities related to copyright matters. In this capacity, he represented Finland at many international and regional meetings, including the GATT Uruguay Round negotiations on the TRIPS Agreement. 

He has written extensively in the area of intellectual property. Mr. Wager has a law degree from the Helsinki University Law School, Finland. He joined the WTO in January 1995.