The largest pool of applicants since 2004 has yielded an academically strong and ethnically diverse class of first-year law students at Santa Clara University School of Law.

This year’s 247 full-time and 80 part-time students who begin classes today come from 31 states and 9 foreign countries including China, India, and South Korea. They attended 139 different undergraduate schools, and 39 of them already have advanced degrees — including 13 Ph.D.s.

The incoming class is a bit younger than in prior years: The full-time students have a median age of 24, down from 25 two years ago, while part-timers – who tend to be working professionals – have a median age of 27, down from 29 three years ago.

Nearly 4,600 people applied for a spot in the class, the strongest showing since 2004. As in years past, a high proportion (41 percent) of the students expressed interest in Santa Claras strong computer/high-tech law program; 33 percent indicated an interest in public interest and social justice law, and 30 percent in international law.

"Santa Clara Law students know they will get an excellent legal education, a broad exposure to the legal issues that matter in Silicon Valley and an opportunity to develop fully as lawyers influenced by Jesuit values of public service and social justice,” said SCU Law Dean Donald Polden. In addition, he said, "the advice and assistance of the law school’s advisory board of working professionals gives our students an edge in knowing what law firms want from today’s law students and graduates.”

Other facts about Santa Clara Law’s incoming first-year students:
Women 46%; Men 54%

Top Ethnicities
White: 44%; Asian/Pacific Islander: 34%; Hispanic: 8%; African-American: 2%; Middle Eastern: 2%

Top five home states

California, Texas, Washington, Arizona, and Oregon

Top five undergraduate schools
Santa Clara University; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, San Diego; University of California, Santa Cruz, and University of California, Davis