Evangeline Abriel, Director of Legal Analysis, Research, and Writing at Santa Clara University School of Law, has been selected as an Appellate Lawyer Representative by the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.  Appellate lawyer representatives serve three-year terms, during which they participate in meetings throughout the circuit, coordinate activities with District Lawyer Representatives, and attend and participate in the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference, an annual gathering of federal judges, attorneys, agency representatives and court staff. 

One requirement for selection as an appellate attorney representative is that the candidate be actively involved in federal appellate practice. Professor Abriel, together with her Santa Clara Law students, practices before the Ninth Circuit in the area of immigration law. Since 2006, Professor Abriel and Santa Clara law students, through appointment under the Ninth Circuit’s Pro Bono Program, have represented twenty-three individuals petitioning the Ninth Circuit for review of their removal orders. “Representing individuals before the Ninth Circuit is a great privilege for me and an extraordinary opportunity for our students to put what they have learned into practice in the service of others,”  says Professor Abriel.  “The students put their heart and soul into their work for their clients and are a credit to Santa Clara.”

Vangie Abriel and Judge Kozinski

Evangeline Abriel with Judge Alex Kozinski, chief judge for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, after receiving certificate of appreciation from the Ninth Circuit.

Vangie Abriel and students

Evangeline Abriel with student Mike Demian and Mina Ciurea at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.