Endowment Summer Grants and Stevens Fellowship Information Session
Thursday, September 14, 2006 in Bannan 139 from Noon to 1 p.m. Pizza will be provided.
Facilitators: Richard Berg and Ken Manaster

Learn About Funding Social Justice Summer Work

Justice John Paul Stevens Public Interest Fellowships:
Two $5,000 Fellowships to be Awarded for Summer 2007
In honor of United States Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, Skip Paul ’75 established the Justice John Paul Stevens Public Interest Fellowships at Santa Clara University School of Law.  These Fellowships provide financial assistance to Santa Clara University Law Students to fund public interest and social justice law summer positions.
Eligibility:  Fellowships will be awarded to Santa Clara University Law School students who have completed at least one year of full-time or part-time study ***by the time the fellowship will begin***. Each applicant must secure a full-time summer law position with a public interest and social justice organization.

Public Interest Endowment Summer Fellowships:
Fellowships to be Awarded for Summer 2007
The Public Interest Endowment provides funding for public interest and social justice work done by law students in the summer months.  This fellowship opportunity is for Santa Clara University Law Students working full-time in qualifying public interest and social justice positions.

Eligibility:  Fellowships will be awarded to Santa Clara University Law School students who have completed at least one year of full-time or part-time study ***by the time the fellowship will begin***.  Each applicant must secure a full-time summer law position with a public interest and social justice organization.