Clarence Darrow, America’s most hated and celebrated attorney, comes to life in San José on October 14
Don’t miss Clarence Darrow: The Search for Justice
at 2 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. on October 14, 2006
at First Unitarian Church of San José
On October 14, a unique event will bring American social justice history to life, and show us how the social and political issues of our nation’s most famous—and infamous—lawyer still resonate in our lives today.
Clarence Darrow: The Search for Justice will be performed by Gary L. Anderson, the country’s renowned portrayer of Clarence Darrow.  The Eureka Times Standard says of his performance, “Anderson’s Darrow is in the same league as Holbrook’s Mark Twain.”
The most hated and celebrated attorney in American history
Clarence Darrow (1857-1938) was often referred to by the press as the “Attorney for the Damned” and by lawyers as the “Lion of the Courtroom”. The Christian Fundamentalists, however, called him, “The Great Infidel.” Life Magazine called Darrow “One of the most influential men of the 20th century.” He has become a folk hero, and, along with Atticus Finch from the novel and movie To Kill a Mockingbird, he has been the inspiration of untold numbers of lawyers. 
Order Your Advance Tickets Today
Two shows Saturday, October 14 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
First Unitarian Church of San José, 160 North Third Street, San Jose.
Advance tickets: $15 General Admission or $12 Students with I.D.
Tickets at the door: $20 but advanced purchase is strongly recommended.
Wine and cheese reception and discussion with Mr. Darrow from 6:15-7:15 p.m.
Limited to 50 participants; tickets $35.
This event is co-sponsored by the First Unitarian Church of San Jose and the Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the ACLU.
To order tickets, mail check (made payable to FUCSJ) to:
160 North Third Street
San José, California 95112
For more information, call the Darrow information line: (408) 293-1178.  Additional event information at