Social Justice Mondays Series
Monday, January 22, 2007 in Bannan 139 from Noon to 1 p.m. Pizza will be provided.
"Fair Housing Law and People with Disabilities"

Kim Pederson (Law Foundation of Silicon Valley)

Kim Pederson graduated from SCU School of Law in 2004.  In October 2004, she began working as a housing rights attorney at the Mental Health Advocacy Project (MHAP).  As a housing rights attorney, Ms. Pederson represented mental health consumers in a wide variety of housing-related legal matters including landlord-tenant disputes, evictions, subsidized housing terminations and fair housing claims.

In January 2005, Ms. Pederson split her time between MHAP and the Fair Housing Law Project (FHLP), another program at  the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley.  As a staff attorney at FHLP, Ms. Pederson represented victims of housing discrimination as well as victims of predatory mortgage lending practices.
In September 2006, Ms. Pederson transitioned out of her split position and currently works as a staff attorney with FHLP.  Ms. Pederson represents clients in fair housing cases stemming from disability, race, national origin and familial status discrimination and also represents monolingual Spanish-speakers and senior citizens who have been victims of predatory mortgage lending practices.  

Facilitator: Margalynne Armstrong