The 9th Annual Trina Grillo Public Interest and Social Justice Law Retreat

"Justice Across Borders"
March 9-10, 2007
Hosted by Seattle University School of Law in Seattle, Washington

Co-Sponsors Include:
Santa Clara University School of Law,
Center for Social Justice and Public Service

Society of American Law Teachers (SALT)
University of California, Los Angeles School of Law
Golden Gate University School of Law
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Boyd)
University of Oregon School of Law
University of San Francisco School of Law
Stanford University School of Law

The Trina Grillo Law Retreat provides a unique opportunity for public interest and social justice-oriented law students, faculty, and practitioners to exchange viewpoints, explore career opportunities, and formulate strategies for social justice.

The retreat honors the memory of Trina Grillo (1948-96), who was a source of inspiration to many law students, professions, and public interest and social justice lawyers. Brandt Goldstein will serve as the keynote speaker on Friday evening. Mr. Goldstein is the author of Storming the Court (Scribner 2005), a true story of the law students and human rights advocates who filed suit against the first Bush and Clinton administrations to free HIV-positive Haitian refugees detained at Guantanamo Bay during the 1990s.

Registration forms must be submitted to the Access to Justice Institute at Seattle University School of Law by March 5, 2007.

Hotel information is provided by Silver Cloud Hotel – Broadway in Seattle, Washington at a rate of $125.00 per room. Reservations must be made by Friday, February 9, 2007.

Please visit the Grillo Retreat website at