Gender & Law Conference: The Power of Women’s Stories: Examining Women’s Role in Law and the Legal System

Women continue to feel the impact of changing legal developments in areas as disparate as violence against women, sexual harassment, discrimination at work, mothering and reproduction, families, wome and the legal profession, education, health, and taxes.

Join this summit of top scholars from across the nation to explore these issues, the power of women’s stories, and what these stories teach about law and social change.

The day-long conference will feature a keynote address by Professor Elizabeth M. Schneider, Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School, followed by a series of panels and a closing roundtable.

This conference qualifies for 7 hours of MCLE credit

Co-sponsored by the SCU Women’s and Gender Studies Program, the Public Interest and Social Justice Coalition, Women and Law, the Women of Color Network, the Campus Violence Prevention Project, and the Dean’s Office, SCU College of Arts & Sciences

Registration: All attendees must register for the conference, as space is limited.  Admission is free to Santa Clara University Community members and Non-SCU Law Students and $100.00 for other attendees.  The $100.00 registration fee includes a buffet breakfast, box lunch, snacks, and reception.  Santa Clara University Community members and Non-SCU Law Students who wish to reserve a box lunch must enclose $15.00 with their registration.  The registration fee covers conference attendance and food. For more information please visit the Gender and Law Conference website at