Women’s & Gender Studies & the LGBTQ Allies Network present:

Election 2008: The Changing National Landscape & LGBT Issues

NCLR was lead counsel on behalf of same-sex couples in the marriage equality case decided by the California Supreme Court.

Kate Kendell, Esq.

Executive Director, National Rights Center for Lesbian Rights


Monday, October 13th at 5 p.m. in the California Mission room, Benson Center

RSVP required by Thursday, October 9th to wgst@scu.edu

The LGBTQ Allies Network is a collaborative initiative between the office of Multicultural Learning — Office of the Provost; The Office of Student Life, and the Women’s and Gender Studies Program

Co-sponsored by: the Center for Social Justice and Public Service, the Political Science Department, Feminists United, and BGLAd.

In compliance with the ADA/504, Please direct your accommodation requests at least 72 hours prior to the event to Jessica Gagnon, 408.554.4461 or wgst@scu.edu