Morton was exonerated of his wife’s murder through DNA evidence in October after spending nearly 25 years in prison. (Read the full story here.) Anderson acknowledged, “If we get it wrong, there’s consequences and it affects a lot of people.” Morton’s attorneys claimed that the district attorney’s office intentionally withheld evidence that would have helped Morton during his original trial. However, Anderson is adamant that no misconduct occurred. He said, “In my heart, I know there was no misconduct whatsoever.” Although Anderson, now a district judge, admitted he cannot remember everything from 25 years ago, he is certain that he did not intentionally withhold the evidence. Caitlin Baker, daughter of Debra Baker who was subsequently murdered by the same perpetrator as Morton’s wife, is disappointed to hear that Anderson is not holding himself accountable. “If he really feels bad then he should resign. Prove it,” she said after hearing Anderson’s comments.

Read the story in the Texas Tribune here.